Publisher contact: info (at) holidayhouse (dot) com
Agent contact: info (at) saracrowelit (dot) com
If you have a question for me, check out the FAQs below. I may have already answered it! If not, message me and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.
Frequently Asked Questions
How are Kingdom of Ash and Briars and the other books in the Nissera series related?
Kingdom of Ash and Briars is a standalone prequel. Realm of Ruins and Palace of Silver take place a century after the events of Kingdom of Ash and Briars. You don't need to start with KOAAB, but reading it first may enrich your experience with the other two books.
Who did the cover artwork for your books?
The incredible artists behind the cover artwork are Daniel Burgess (the Nissera covers) and Lisa Vega (The Bitterwine Oath), working alongside the Holiday House design team.
Will there be a sequel to The Bitterwine Oath?
While the ending suggests exciting new paranormal adventures for Nat, there is no sequel or companion novel.