I've been quietly obsessing over this cover for what feels like years! Are you ready to see the face of this spooky summery Southern...

Preorder PALACE OF SILVER now!
The third installment of The Nissera Chronicles, which follows the twisting tales of Kadri Lillis and Glisette Lorenthi, is available for...

Announcing Preorder Prizes and Grand Prize Sweepstakes!
Hello everyone! I'm so excited to announce that I'll be giving away a bookmark and signed bookplate to everyone who preorders Realm of...

So many announcements!
Hi readers! Wow, I'm about to fit a few exciting and overdue announcements into one jam-packed post so bear with me! 1. The Kingdom of...

It's live: REALM OF RUINS Cover Reveal!
HERE IT IS! I absolutely adore this cover! Now that it's out there I just want to squeal incoherently, but if you want some articulate...

Realm of Ruins Cover Reveal Next Week
*Ahem* special announcement!! On March 21, YA Books Central will be hosting the exclusive cover reveal for REALM OF RUINS at 1pm EST. I...

Rockwall Teen Writing Workshop
Last Saturday, I had the immense privilege of leading a small group of talented teens in a writing workshop. They all showed such promise...

I transferred my domain to a new site, which unfortunately meant losing all my previous blog posts :0 BUT it gives me another chance to...